Towards the end of the winter in 2023, Recollectus will be launching a free Spotify podcast, Instagram page, YouTube channel and a website dedicated to showcasing a range of individuals who  have tried to make a real positive impact on the way we perceive each other and the world we live in today. Individuals who tell stories of hope and empathy that will inspire people to celebrate their own unique life.
The idea is that each episode will be 10 minutes in length, the speaker will take the audience on a very special and personal journey of discovery. The chosen story that they will talk about will be one that has made an impression in their own life. The question that is asked of them is about a 'moment or a series of events that have led them to 
live the life they live today.
They will then be asked 20 general themed questions. Where the interviews will be created to be used as a promotional themed documentary web series in conjunction with the Recollectus channel.

All interviews will be filmed at a location in Waterloo London very near the train station by Lower Marsh Street.
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